Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Bosch's project aimed to reduce GHG emissions and achieve the neutrality of all emissions from its 400 units, which was possible as early as 2020. To achieve carbon neutrality, the company developed actions, projects and practices such as energy efficiency; purchasing green energy; self-generating renewable energy; offsetting emissions by purchasing carbon credits; and communicating sustainability issues. The initiative developed at Bosch Latin America is an offshoot of Bosch Group's global goal and is Ernst & Young ISO 50.001 certified.

Results and Objectives


  • Promote the diversification of energy sources towards clean energy (generated from low-impact renewable sources)
  • Generate new clean energy alternatives for sale to third parties.
  • Improving Energy Efficiency
  • Renewable Energy Generation
  • Purchase of Green Energy
  • Offsetting through Carbon Credits


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification

Ernst & Young ISO 50.001

National Commitments

More info

Carbon Neutrality - Bosch