Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Program that uses co-products derived from the steel production process as substitutes for non-renewable natural resources (e.g. gravel, etc.) to improve the condition of streets and roads. 


The New Paths Program establishes socio-environmental cooperation between ArcelorMittal Tubarão and public authorities with the aim of contributing to improving urban and rural mobility. Through agreements with city halls and other public bodies (e.g. DER, DNIT, SEAG, SETUR, etc.), the company supplies REVSOL® and REVSOL Plus® co-products to be used as a primary coating on unpaved streets and roads. 


Unpaved roads suffer from frequent erosion of their surface, especially during rainy periods, creating many potholes that need to be constantly repaired. The application of co-products creates a road surface with greater quality, resistance and durability, and which requires less maintenance. 


The program combines environmental and social benefits, as it uses co-products derived from the steel production process as substitutes for non-renewable natural resources (e.g. crushed stone, gravel etc.), to improve the condition of streets and roads, promoting urban and rural mobility through the population's access to public services, promoting agro-tourism and contributing to the flow of agricultural products and the economic development of the state of Espírito Santo. 


In the program, in addition to supplying the co-products, the company provides technical training for the executing teams in each municipality, as well as monitoring and technical assistance for the applications. 

Benefits for the local community: 

  • Contribution to improving urban and rural mobility;
  • Contribution to improving urban and rural mobility; Access of poor communities to basic municipal services such as transport, garbage collection, school transport, ambulance, police, special transportation, etc.

Results and Objectives

Started in 2006, the New Paths Program is present in more than 60 municipalities in Espírito Santo and has already donated more than 5 million tons of co-products, used to improve more than 4,000 streets and roads, which corresponds to more than 2,000 km of roads benefited. 


Constantly evolving, the program seeks to adapt to the dynamics of the state's socio-economic demand, in order to guarantee the continuity and sustainability of its various environmental, social and economic gains achieved in the municipalities served by the program. 


Therefore, in order to increase the scope of the New Paths Program in the state, in partnership with the Secretariat of Agriculture (SEAG), the creation of Revsol Distribution Centers (CDRs) has been implemented since 2020, with the aim of extending service to municipalities more than 100km away from the company. Currently, the program has 5 CDRs, distributed in the various regions of the state, in addition to direct service to the municipalities closest to the company. 



11. Sustainable cities and communities , 17. Partnerships and means of implementation , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

New Paths Program