Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project consisted of reviewing the washing flow for reusable laboratory material utilized in the sample processing routines of the Parasitology sector, automating the process.


The washing stage took place manually with soap, sodium hypochlorite, ordinary water and deionized water. Around 57,000 liters of water were used annually in this process, which also required around 144 man-hours.  

Results and Objectives

After validating the new working model, using an automatic washer, it was hoped that water consumption and ergonomic impacts associated with manual activity would be reduced. The process of pressurizing and reusing water in the configuration of the washing cycle enabled a 16% reduction in water consumption compared to the previous process. There was also a significant reduction in the use of manual labor, with an 86% reduction in man-hours associated with this activity, bringing ergonomic gains to employees.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Automation of the Material Washing Process