Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


In the search for alternatives to reduce coal consumption, the coking plant at Gerdau's largest mill, located in Ouro Branco/MG, uses eucalyptus biomass and sawdust bark. This renewable energy source partially replaces the fossil fuels used in the blast furnaces.

Results and Objectives

In 2022, around 21,000 tons of biomass were used and approximately 64,000 tons of CO2eq were no longer emitted. In addition, the initiative also shows gains of around US$ 3 per ton of coke and the development of local communities to supply biomass instead of importing coal. The initiative will be improved through new research using corn, coffee and sugarcane residues. The expectation is to increase biomass consumption at this unit fourfold.


Gerdau is committed to achieving 0.82 tCO2e/t of steel by 2031 (Scopes 1 and 2). The current intensity is 0.86 tCO2e/t of steel (2022), according to GHG Protocol and worldsteel methodologies. 


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 13. Climate action

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code

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