Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The aim of the Carbon on Farm project was to assess the impact on greenhouse gas emissions of the company's range of products and supplementation programs for beef cattle.  


Partner farms were invited from all regions of Brazil (states of BA, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RO and SP), of which 18 farms had their data evaluated via IMAFLORA, and are in the certification phase. Producers who take part in the project receive reports and recommendations for optimizing production and reducing GHG emissions, with the purpose of certifying these properties internationally as low-emission or carbon emission reducing properties.

Results and Objectives

The project was completed in June 2023. According to the results obtained, there was a reduction of approximately 8% in CO2 equivalent emissions per kg of meat produced (compared to other studies by IMAFLORA on beef cattle farms).


The project pointed to the recovery of pasture areas declared as degraded and the maintenance of the herd supplementation system as points for improvement.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 2. Zero hunger

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Carbon on Farm