Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


To reduce emissions, Ibema has been working on two main projects: replacing the use of fossil fuels in boilers with biomass; and acquiring electricity from wind power. 


Biomass boiler: at the Embu das Artes plant, process steam is generated by 3 boilers that use natural gas as fuel. In 2022, Ibema decided to replace these 3 boilers with a new boiler that will use vegetable biomass as fuel, generating heat energy with reduced GHG emissions.


Energy transition: Ibema currently buys electricity from the national integrated system, which includes some non-renewable energy sources. The company has opted to change the source of the electricity it buys and 80% of its electricity will come from wind power.

Results and Objectives

The boiler and energy transition projects should be completed by 2024. As a general result, CO2 emissions are expected to be reduced by 70% per ton of production by 2030 (Scope 1 and 2 - Base year 2020).


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Commitment to reduce GHG emissions