Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Avoided Deforestation Program project, created by the company, aims to form an alliance between landowners with remnant Araucaria Forest and companies that have the objective of maintaining these remnants, in exchange for environmental compensation or biodiversity conservation. Therefore, the Campanholo family (POSIGRAF), in conjunction with the Society for Wildlife Research and Environmental Education (SPVS), sought out partnerships. Posigraf, a subsidiary of the Positivo Group, has been funding the reserve since 2003. The area is now a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) at federal level, according to IBAMA. Through the project, the 128 hectares of Araucaria Forest have been transformed into a fully protected conservation unit.

Results and Objectives

  • Preservation of forested areas. 
  • Protection of fauna and flora.  
  • The area was transformed into a Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN); 
  • 5,189 students benefited from Uru's environmental education program, which began in 2014.
  • 572 species of flora protected, of which 27 are rare, 15 are endangered and 1 considered extremely rare. 
  • 42 species of mammals, 10 of which are on the endangered list. 


13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification

Certificação Life

International Commitments

National Commitments

RED++ (National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)

More info

Avoided Deforestation - Mata do Uru