Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project improves the energy efficiency of the MRI Cryos Farms at the Siemens Healthineers plant in Joinville - SC. In these plants, helium compressors operate in order to maintain the cryogenics of the MRI systems. Before the project was implemented, these devices were switched on without interruption, consuming energy 24 hours a day. The project to develop the system to operate in economy mode consists of implementing hardware and firmware to control the helium compressors in the cryogenics bays, aiming to save energy. To this end, energy saving involves switching off the compressor at pre-programmed time intervals.


Internal process variables of MRI equipment are constantly sampled in order to control the compressors safely. In this context, the system must be capable of decoding and sampling signals, as well as providing the actuation signals required to operate the helium compressors cyclically. 

Results and Objectives

With the implementation of the project, the possibility of the compressor operating in economy mode was identified, reducing its operating time by an average of 30%. Within 9 months of implementing the project, energy use was significantly reduced.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Compressor Energy Efficiency - EPM Project