Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project was developed with the aim of creating alternatives to the consumption of materials from non-renewable sources, acting to reduce CO2 emissions and the consumption of other natural resources, creating a circular economy chain and providing correct destination for millions of tons of plastic packaging (Big Bags and Sacks) in the countryside.

The project falls under Scope 3 emissions and its positive impact is taken into account when calculating the company's Net-Zero target.

Results and Objectives

Building these chains involves adopting new packaging made from post-consumer resin (PCR). In addition, reverse logistics chains have been structured for the new packaging, with initiatives to raise awareness among waste picker cooperatives and end users.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Sustainable Packaging