Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project was born with the development of the Touros (RN) wind farm. The wind farm made the settlement of 337 family plots possible in an area of approximately 9,000 hectares, where more than 1,800 residents had been living since the 1990s without having titles to the land. The development of the wind farm project not only made it possible to recognize the settlement, but it was also able to divide and regulate the plots of land, duly titling the residents who had previously lived there as legal landowners and farmers.


The residents were recognized as owners of the areas, bringing security, dignity and income to the families, as well as the possibility of generating clean and affordable energy, respecting land uses, life quality and well-being. 

Results and Objectives

The main result of the project will be the generation of clean energy and the regaining of citizenship. Due to the unavailability of connections to the local system, the wind farm has not yet been built, but the expected timeframe is between 2026 and 2027, when transmission lines under construction will provide a connection for the project to start operating.


In the case of land titles, approximately 96% (ninety-six percent) of the regularization process with INCRA (National Institute for Settlement and Agrarian Reform) has already been carried out and residents now have their land registered. The expected deadline for completing this phase is November 2023, however, it is worth noting that it depends on INCRA's assessment - the technical and legal part has already been finalized.


10. Reduced inequalities , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, ABC Plan, National Plan to Control Illegal Deforestation and Recover Native Vegetation, RED++ (National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)

More info

Wind energy in rural settlements: integration and citizenship