Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Reverse Logistics project was created to consolidate circular economy as as best practices for the company. The circular economy solution was the result of a partnership between Farmax and Grupo Penha, the largest supplier of cardboard boxes, which is looking for more sustainable forms of supply and waste management in the value chain. In order to reduce emissions, the project ensures that Grupo Penha's logistics department is able to unload the materials purchased by Farmax and supply the same vehicle with the loads that have been sent for reuse.

Results and Objectives

After verifying data, information from suppliers and waste treatment companies, Farmax achieved "Zero Waste Certification" in 2022, validated by the Zero Waste International Alliance.


12. Responsible consumption and production

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Reverse logistics for pallets and cardboard