Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


In Brazil, Dow moves around 1 million tons of products every year. Today, 78% of this volume is moved by road, and the other 22% is transported by sea. To reduce GHG emissions, the company implements actions that revolve around increasing payload, using more sustainable modes and, in particular, collaborating with suppliers and partners to promote good practices in transportation and storage.


In 2022, an important partnership was signed between Dow and Ambipar. As part of the Sustainable Corridor project, the initiative promotes changing the energy matrix of its truck fleet to cleaner sources with the large-scale inclusion of vehicles powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) and biomethane.

Results and Objectives

In this first stage of the project, 10 CNG-powered trucks are traveling between Dow units and customers located in the South and Southeast regions of the country. The Sustainable Corridor foresees an annual CO2 reduction of up to 20% with the use of natural gas, and up to 90% with the use of biomethane. Considering the lifespan of the vehicles (11.7 years), the total CO2 reduction potential for the same percentages already calculated reaches 4,044 tons (with natural gas) and 18,198 tons (with biomethane). Considering the long-standing relationship and partnership between Ambipar and Dow, as well as the possibility of using the sustainable vehicles until the end of their lifespan, the expectation is that the total project cycle will be completed by the year 2034.


13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)

National Commitments


More info

Green Logistics | Sustainable Corridor