Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


CBA's Sustainable Mining project is an initiative aimed at improvements such as the restoration and reforestation of the bauxite extraction zone located in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais. The project has a partnership with the Federal University of Viçosa-UFV in the lines of Research & Development of Environmental Rehabilitation Technology, Forest Restoration and Water Conservation, which promote the recovery of mined areas and the implementation of environmental compensation projects. With forest restoration, the Atlantic Forest cover is extended, forming ecological corridors and the extraction area is integrated into the natural landscape after reforestation. The project has the following certifications: Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI): Performance and Chain of Custody; ABNT/NBR ISO 14001:2015 (since 2001); ABNT/NBR ISO 17025:2017 (since 2019).

Results and Objectives

  • Restoration of degraded forest areas and reforestation.
  • Criação e ampliação de 1 hectare de corredor ecológico a cada 10 hectares minerados e recuperados.
  • Promote the environmental rehabilitation of the degraded area.  
  • Esperança and São Lourenço Private Natural Heritage Reserves (RPPNs) and other areas. 
  • Improving the maintenance of water resources. 
  • The project's CBA plantou mais de 135 mil mudas nos últimos seis anos;
  • Cerca de 121 hectares plantados com uma diversidade superior a 170 espécies nativas do bioma Mata Atlântica em seus projetos de restauração florestal. 
  • Na Zona da Mata mineira, já recuperaram 7.743 hectares, restauraram 1.242 hectares, preservaram 900 hectares, compensaram 121 hectares e mantiveram 789 de áreas protegidas (APP’s, RL’s e RPPN’s). 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 15. Life on land , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI): Performance e Cadeia de Custódia, ABNT/NBR ISO 14001:2015 (desde 2001), ABNT/NBR ISO 17025:2017 (desde 2019)

International Commitments

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code

More info

Mineração Sustentável – 2024