Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project deals with the construction and implementation of Grupo Fleury's new technical and administrative headquarters, preserving natural resources and minimizing environmental impacts, considering the building's 60-year life cycle.


The implementation study was developed with the aim of meeting the MRc2 - Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction credit and the LEED v4-EAp2 prerequisite for LEED ID+C certification, which is being sought for the Grupo Fleury's new headquarters.  

Results and Objectives

The main expected result in terms of carbon emissions was to achieve emissions below the world average, which are at level D (416-494 Kg CO2e/m2), with the building's result being equal to 303 Kg CO2e/m2 (level B).


With regard to energy consumption, the results show that the proposed project has reduced energy consumption and costs compared to a Baseline building (LEED Baseline, defined in the standard), a reduction generated by the low installed lighting power, the shading elements and the film installed on the glass.


In addition to these aspects, the expectation was to contribute to saving water consumption through recirculation and reuse systems; reducing waste generation by implementing selective collection and segregation from the construction phase onwards; as well as improving the quality of the effluents generated by setting up an effluent treatment plant and treating the building's gray water. With the new automation line operating in the laboratory, it was possible to consolidate the processing of tests with the same samples and reduce the number of tubes collected by around 17%.

With the new automation line in operation in the laboratory, it was possible to consolidate the processing of tests with the same samples and reduce the number of tubes collected by around 17%. 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

ABC Plan, National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Grupo Fleury's New Technical and Administrative Headquarters