Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Allegra Pacaembu concessionaire's project, in partnership with CPFL Energia, aims to renovate and modernize the electrification of the Paulo Machado de Carvalho Municipal Stadium. CPFL will provide electrification and generate clean energy for the stadium by installing photovoltaic and natural gas power plants in the stadium structure.


The project and energy management of the new Pacaembu Complex is in line with CPFL's decarbonization strategy and the Shared Value principle of its Sustainability Plan by applying its building solutions to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the urban space. 

Results and Objectives

  • Promote the energy source diversification of businesses and operations towards clean energy (generated from low-impact renewable sources);
  • Generate new clean energy alternatives for sale to third parties.

The project also provides for the installation of:

  • Two solar photovoltaic plants, of 258 kWp in total, to generate approximately 272 MWh/year of energy from clean sources;
  • A cogeneration plant, which will heat the Olympic swimming pool and supply hot water to the EDM, also generating 1,400 MWh per year;  
  • Two battery banks with a total of 1,000 MVA to prevent power fluctuations and provide in case of emergencies.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

More info

"Your, mine, our Pacaembu": an example for the decarbonization of cities