Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Irani has developed a Strategic Decarbonization Plan, with the aim of investing in and developing low-carbon projects that will make it possible to reduce the company's direct and indirect emissions, defining ESG commitments by 2030. The Plan includes a series of actions in favor of the environment, such as zeroing non-hazardous waste sent to landfills, achieving 100% renewable energy, reducing specific water consumption by 30% and increasing the balance of the difference between removals and GHG emissions by 20%.

Results and Objectives

  • The prospect of a further 52% reduction by 2030;    
  • By 2030, the projection is to reach 52.2 KgCO2 per ton produced; 
  • Promote the diversification of energy sources for businesses and operations towards clean energy (generated from low-impact renewable sources); 
  • Promote a reduction or optimization in the energy consumption of businesses and operations; 
  • Preservation of forested areas and reforestation;
  • From 2004 to 2022, emissions were reduced by 88% per net ton; 
  • In 2004, emissions were 878.8 kgCO2e per ton produced (in absolute numbers); 
  • In 2022, emissions were 102.5 kgCO2 (in absolute numbers); 
  • In 2022, the company's emissions totaled 56,681 tCO2e, while planted and native forests captured 61,585 tCO2e from the atmosphere. 
  • Reforested area: 16,312 ha; Native area: 13,392 ha (2022 data) 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification


National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Strategic Decarbonization Plan