Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Created by Sebigas Cótica and eB Capital, Bioo is a biosolutions platform that transforms agricultural and industrial waste into bioproducts. Guided by circular economy, emissions and odor mitigation, zero waste and operational safety, it aims to transform waste into biomethane, food-grade carbon dioxide and organic fertilizer through a unique organic recycling platform in the country, supporting waste from various generators with industrial quality standards.

Results and Objectives

The first unit to be set up, scheduled for the end of 2024, will meet the demand for waste in Rio Grande do Sul from the city of Triunfo/RS. The unit will receive waste in a closed shed and with 100% treatment via anaerobic biodigestion, aiming to mitigate gas and odor emissions. The waste that can be received in the operation includes, for example, the following sectors: meatpacking plants; basic sanitation; the biodiesel industry; and the food, milk and juice industry. The operation has the potential to treat 600 tons of organic waste per day, producing biomethane, food-grade CO² and organic fertilizer. 


Two more units are planned to be built by 2025, as part of the founding companies' investment plan.  


12. Responsible consumption and production , 7. Affordable and clean energy , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification

ANP Certificate - Biofuel Producer; RenovaBio - Issue of biofuel credits (CBio); Instituto Totum - issue of REC GAS

National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), RenovaBio

More info

Biosolutions Platform