Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Celesc, the electricity distribution company in the state of Santa Catarina, developed the "Bonus Motor" Program. The program promotes energy efficiency by replacing old or reconditioned electric motors with new, more modern and more efficient motors, using a bonus system that varies according to the power and performance of the new motor. It's a simple process, without the need to take on debt, where the bonus is granted in advance when the motors are purchased and does not need to be returned. Celesc's project aimed to invest in actions that generate energy savings, as it considers this to be more viable than investing in the expansion of the electricity system.

Results and Objectives

  • Promote the technological update of the electric motors fleet used in the state of Santa Catarina;
  • Reduce and make the practice of reconditioning electric motors and the use of old, inefficient motors less attractive;
  • Promote energy efficiency by replacing old or reconditioned electric motors with new, more modern and efficient ones, using a bonus system that varies according to the power and efficiency of the new motor;
  • Replacement of more than 1,700 motors, representing a total saving of 18.64 GWh/year and a reduction in peak demand of 2.4 MW;
  • Reduction of more than 1,68 thousand tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. 


12. Responsible consumption and production , 7. Affordable and clean energy , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


National Commitments

More info

Motor Bonus Program