Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The program is dedicated to contributing to the protection of animals that live in the vicinity of the plants in operation and under construction monitored in three municipalities in the state of São Paulo. 


A total of 31 species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) list were identified. Three were chosen to be monitored in 2022: maned wolf, jaguar and curassow. We would like to highlight the project "Conservation and Management of Tinamiformes and Galliformes - Água Vermelha HPP - Mutum de Penacho Project", one of the objectives of which is to implement a participatory bird watching and monitoring program as a tool for conserving species and their habitats in the Água Vermelha HPP region.


Two animals that circulate in the units entered the monitoring radar in 2022: the critically endangered knife-tailed aracuã (Ortalis remota) is monitored in the area of influence of the Água Vermelha HPP, in northeastern São Paulo, and the near-threatened otter (Lontra longicaudis) is found in the reservoir of the Caconde HPP (SP). 

Results and Objectives

Monitoring for the preservation of fauna in 3 different municipalities in the state of São Paulo of 3 different wild animals: jaguars, maned wolves and curassows. 

Fourteen jaguars were monitored in the regions of Promissão, Ibitinga and Barra Bonita and 23 maned wolves in São José do Rio Pardo, Mococa and Caconde, municipalities in São Paulo.  

Seventeen curassows are also being monitored, and 17 forest remnants and 8 forest restoration units in the region of influence of the Água Vermelha HPP reservoir are currently being monitored. 


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Terrestrial Fauna Monitoring and Conservation Program