Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Green Guanabara Project, carried out by the NGO Guardiões do Mar, in partnership with the Mar Urbano Institute, and financed by OceanPact, promotes the restoration of mangroves and environmental education actions to disseminate good practices on ocean culture and the conservation of coastal ecosystems.


At the mangrove restoration stage, land preparation, planting and maintenance activities are carried out by the Fluminense Manguezal Cooperative, made up of artisanal fishermen and crab pickers. The actions developed in this effort were designed in line with the UN's Decade of the Oceans and the Decade of Restoration recommendations.

Results and Objectives

The project restored 12.2 hectares of degraded area by planting 30,500 mangrove seedlings in the Guapi-Mirim Environmental Protection Area (APA) in Guanabara Bay. The planting was completed in March 2023 and the project is currently at the seedling maintenance stage.


OceanPact is looking for new partnerships to expand and replicate its mangrove ecosystem restoration activities in Brazil, in order to fulfill its commitment to plant 1 million seedlings by 2030.


13. Climate action , 14. Life below water , 17. Partnerships and means of implementation

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Green Guanabara Project