Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The NGO Cidades Sem Fome develops sustainable agriculture projects in urban and rural areas to create job and income opportunities. With the Urban Vegetable Gardens Project, the NGO creates food production centers in unused areas of cities. The food produced is destined to the participants for their own consumption and for sale.


Urban spaces that were previously deactivated and/or had no specific use have been transformed into productive areas with quality and affordable vegetables, spices and fruit, which directly help the populations most affected by food insecurity. The project, which enables the creation of sustainable businesses, also stimulates entrepreneurship and contributes efficiently to reducing environmental impacts.

Results and Objectives

Among the results, the project guarantees the use of empty urban spaces that are not recommended for urbanization and soil sealing, keeping the land clean and used for agricultural production. In addition, the construction of spaces for growing vegetable gardens helps maintain biodiversity.


The NGO has 33 urban gardens and 51 school gardens.


1. No poverty , 11. Sustainable cities and communities , 2. Zero hunger

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Urban Vegetable Garden Project