Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


In 2008, a drinking water initiative was implemented at Bayer's Belford Roxo Industrial Park, using an alternative water source by treating water from the Sarapuí River, a polluted river that runs through several municipalities in the Baixada Fluminense and the state capital and has high levels of contamination. The company has implemented a treatment system that goes through disinfection, clarification, filtration and reverse osmosis processes to achieve the quality standards required for use in cooling towers, steam generation, fire prevention, gardening, cleaning and various applications at the plant.

Results and Objectives

The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) collects water from the Sarapuí River, which undergoes a process of treatment and elimination of impurities, so that it can be used in the plants' industrial processes. After use, part of the water is sent to the Industrial Dumping Station (ETDI) and treated again, to finally be returned to the Sarapuí River, at a higher quality than when it was initially collected. The project saves millions of liters of drinking water every month.


14. Life below water , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Water Treatment Project for the Municipality of Belford Roxo