The Green Honey project, a partnership between Sylvamo, Instituto Atá, Reenvolver and Associação Ambientalista Copaíba, aims to strengthen the meliponiculture production chain and invest in the sustainable management of bees as a strategic tool for the conservation of species and forests, as well as spreading knowledge about native bees and the importance of conserving pollinators, through actions in the municipalities of Socorro (SP), Serra Negra (SP), Munhoz (MG) and Bueno Brandão (MG).
The Green Honey project stimulates the meliponiculture value chain, bringing recognition to honey as an important gastronomic product in Brazil. The project invests in the multiplication and distribution of colonies in order to continually increase the number of colonies, training the producers and professionals involved, and producing honey and its by-products. Through the distribution of colonies, the project aims to promote the strategic pollination of natural and agricultural ecosystems, as well as the economic development of rural properties through the sale of honey and other by-products.
Results and Objectives
External Certification
International Commitments
National Commitments
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