Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Since 2021, the Ybá Project - Conservation that Transforms, has been promoting the development of a local community in Breu Branco (Pará), through the trade of non-timber resources, while at the same time contributing to the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest. The project supported the development of an association to sell bioactive products in Dow's conserved areas in the Amazon Rainforest to increase family income and, at the same time, conserve the rainforest.


The Ybá Project is being carried out with three major collaborators: the Peabiru Institute, The Nature Conservancy, and the Natura brand, part of the Natura & Co. group. 

Results and Objectives

The Ybá Project pilot was completed in March 2023. Around 100 kg of andiroba seeds were harvested by 21 community members in Dow's forest area. The seeds were sent to the Cofruta cooperative, which extruded the oil for use in Natura's personal care products. As a next step, the main lessons learned are being analyzed and will be incorporated into the next phase of the project.   


Also in March 2023, Dow launched the Honey/Meliponiculture project as part of the Ybá Project. Through this initiative, the community of Vila Mamorana is raising stingless bees native to the Amazon Rainforest to produce honey, generating an additional sustainable income opportunity for families in the region. In all, 50 bee boxes with hives have been installed in the area, with the potential to produce 50 kilos of honey by December 2023. 


The project also promoted training for the Mamorana Village Farmers' Association, made up mostly of black and mixed-race women, in the process of harvesting the seeds, in business skills, in safety, such as first aid, and in the seasonal cycles of the plants/environment, all of which are essential for them to harvest and market the seeds safely. 


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 8. Decent work and economic growth

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, Deforestation Prevention and Control in Legal Amazon (PPCDAm)

More info

Ybá Project - Conservation that Transforms