Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The "Mogi Guaçu Roots" project is a technical-institutional cooperation between Sylvamo and WWF-Brazil, which began in 2018 and aims to recover and restore springs and riparian areas of the Atlantic Forest, in areas outside Sylvamo's properties, along the Mogi Guaçu river basin, in the eastern region of the state of São Paulo and southern Minas Gerais. By strengthening water resilience in the Mogi Guaçu River Basin through forest restoration, the project contributes to improving ecological, social and economic conditions in the region. Restoration is carried out using various techniques including natural regeneration, direct sowing and planting native species seedlings, the seeds of which are collected from the region itself. The partners receive the seedlings and technical support to implement and maintain the area, resulting in gains such as the restoration of natural habitats, reduction of erosion and landslides, perpetuity of the local flora and increased protection of biodiversity, which contribute to climate balance and greater water resilience of the properties and the region.  


The project has three fronts: landscape, a landscape analysis to identify priority areas for the restoration and conservation of springs and riparian forests in the Mogi Guaçu River Basin and its tributaries, as well as monitoring protocols. The second front is governance, which seeks to strengthen governance and promote multisectoral dialog between agents interested in restoring the forest landscape of the Mogi Guaçu River Basin, as well as training and strengthening the restoration production chain. And finally, restoration, which by 2026, the goal is to have 480 hectares in the Mogi Guaçu basin, a joint effort between Sylvamo, WWF-Brazil, HP, partners and local producers. 

Results and Objectives

The project's objectives and results are:

  • The project aims to recover and restore springs and riparian areas of the Atlantic Forest in areas outside Sylvamo's properties.  
  • The total restoration target by 2026 is now 480 hectares. 
  • 50 water springs were protected, 80 hectares restored, 7,280 meters of fencing installed and 89,579 seedlings planted.


15. Life on land , 17. Partnerships and means of implementation , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code

More info

Mogi Guaçu Roots