Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


A ECO PANPLAS é uma indústria de reciclagem de embalagens plásticas contaminadas com óleo lubrificante, que realiza esse processo sem usar água, sem produzir resíduos e com alta redução de emissões de CO2. O resultado é uma matéria-prima reciclada que possibilita fabricar novas embalagens sem usar material virgem. Além disso, o processo recupera todo o óleo residual das embalagens que é destinado para o re-refino.


The recycling process is carried out using a technological solution made up of equipment and processes with a green patent. This solution has been recognized through 35 national and international awards, such as the UN Global Compact's SDG and SDG 6 awards.

Results and Objectives

For every 10 million lubricating oil containers processed and recycled, the company recovers and sells 500 tons of recycled plastic and 17,000 liters of recovered oil, generating significant environmental results, such as 17 billion liters of water preserved and 800 tons less CO2 in the atmosphere.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

More info

Recycling contaminated plastic packaging