Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project aims to preserve the environment and promote social initiatives, such as reusing old clothing (Personal Protective Equipment) as raw material to make a new product: PPE carrying cases, through a partnership with the organization Costurando Sonhos (Sewing Dreams).

Costurando Sonhos Brasil was set up to welcome and empower women who have been victims of domestic violence. Through training in cutting and sewing, they learn a new profession and produce ecobags and uniforms for large companies all over the world, and is located in the Paraisópolis community, next to the Schneider Green Tower.

Another initiative of the project was aimed at reducing the generation of plastic waste in product packaging, especially in its manuals.

Results and Objectives

The project enabled employees to get directly involved in reviewing processes, looking for more sustainable alternatives and reducing the company's plastic waste. For the manuals, paper envelopes were chosen and adjustments were made to the packaging.

The partnership with Costurando Sonhos made it possible for the company to engage with the local community in the vicinity of the Schneider Green Tower, and to generate new job opportunities for the assisted population.

By October 2023, approximately 400 kg of plastic waste will no longer be sent to landfills and the public waste management system.


1. No poverty , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 3. Good health and well-being , 8. Decent work and economic growth

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Reduction in plastic consumption