Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Renova Castor Bean, a project developed by TOCA, consists of implementing Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) combined with castor bean cultivation in the quilombola community of Cordoaria in the municipality of Camaçari. The project involves training 30 small farmers in entrepreneurship, land use techniques as well as agro-ecological management, taking into account factors such as: low cost for the small producer, simplicity of implementation, easy replicability and environmental preservation. In addition, the project will increase farmers' income through the sale of agroecological products.

Results and Objectives

So far, 4 SAFs have been implemented in the community and the deadline for completing the project is December 2023. The expected results are:


1) Social: increasing the family budget and generating income by selling products at markets, as well as improving the community's agricultural practices through workshops. 

2) Agroforestry systems: implementing SAFs, improving soil quality and increasing biodiversity. 

3) Biofertilizers and natural pesticides: implementation of reservoirs with biofertilizers and natural pesticides, dissemination of new agroecology techniques and implementation of seed banks. 



12. Responsible consumption and production , 13. Climate action , 2. Zero hunger

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

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Renova Castor Bean