Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


RN+Clean is an environmental education campaign for the correct disposal of electronic waste, carried out in partnership by Startup Circular Brain, with the Rio Grande do Norte Institute for Sustainable Development and the Environment (IDEMA), the Rio Grande do Norte Water and Sewage Company (CAERN) and Natal Reciclagem.


In various regions of the state, the project has installed waste collectors and organized a series of school competitions and collection campaigns focusing on the collection of electronic waste. In addition, the project offers free home collection of such waste for the population of the city of Natal.

Results and Objectives

In two years of RN+Clean, 90 tons of electronic waste have already been collected, which represents 133,000 kg of CO2 equivalent removed from the atmosphere and 66 million liters of water saved through the practice of Circular Economy.


In addition, the actions have had an impact through environmental education in 72 schools, 17,697 students and around 15 municipalities, as well as generating income for the electronics recycling chain. The project's goal is to remove 150 tons of electronic waste from the environment.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 12. Responsible consumption and production , 6. Clean water and sanitation

External Certification


National Commitments

National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)

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