Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


ArcelorMittal BioFlorestas is responsible for sustainable forest management and charcoal production on 108,000 hectares of its own land in the state of Minas Gerais. With the aim of strengthening relations with 60 communities in the 12 municipalities where it operates, with the objective of preventing forest fires, preserving and conserving the environment, in 2018 it started the "Round table talks with communities" project.


The Round table talks are based on collective participation in debates on a theme, by creating spaces for dialog. Its principle is to motivate the construction of autonomy through problematization, the socialization of knowledge and action-oriented reflection. For example, the program has already developed programs for cultural education, the recovery of springs and fire prevention. 

Results and Objectives

The project was completed in 2022 and the main highlights are:


1- Integrated Fire Prevention Weeks (SIPIN) with communities and ongoing actions with the creation of the Mutual Aid Plan (PAM);

2- Gradual reduction in the number of fire occurrences, with 64 records in 2019 and 48 records in 2022;

3- Protected areas (APP and RL) burned went from an annual average of 278 ha between 2015 and 2018 to an annual average of 104 ha between 2019 and 2022;

4- A 63% reduction in the annual average of protected areas (Permanent Preservation Areas and Legal Reserves) burned;

5- Emission of 600 tons of CO2eq avoided from 2019 to 2022;

6- An average of 65 Round table talks with communities per year.


11. Sustainable cities and communities , 13. Climate action , 15. Life on land

External Certification


National Commitments

Brazilian Forest Code, Action Plan to prevent and control deforestation and fires in the Cerrado (PPCerrado)

More info

Round table talks with communities