Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente



Início das Inscrições

October 14

Lançamento da plataforma com primeiros cases recebidos 


Evento Pré-COP da Amcham

30 DE NOV - 12 DE DEZ

COP 28

A pledge from the brazilian business sector in favor of sustainability

#Brazil 4 the Environment is a platform that aims to raise awerness for environmental projects being developed by companies operating in Brazil. 

Os projetos selecionados serão incluídos em nossa plataforma digital interativa, que será lançada em outubro, e poderão integrar nossas iniciativas previstas para a COP 28 do Clima.

Stressing the importance of private sector´s engagement with the environment the initiativa also aims to promote a more ambicious agenda for Brazil, internationally.

#B4TE was developed by Amcham Brasil in 2021, when more than 120 projects, from more than 70 companies, eith investments over 2,5 Billion Dollars. Thias year, ICC Brasil e apoio da CCAB is joining Amcham to hold the second edition of the #BPMA, with the goal of expanding the performance of both organizations in terms of environmental advocacy.