Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Canastra Sustentável - Selective Collection Program



The Agenda Canastra Sustentável – Selective Collection Program aims to promote socio-environmental development for the territory of Serra da Canastra, involving the municipalities of Piumhi/MG, Pimenta/MG, Capitólio/MG, Doresópolis/MG, Vargem Bonita/MG, São Roque de Minas/MG and Córrego Fundo/MG, and is carried out in partnership with GAIA Social, ViraSer and municipal City Halls. 


This is a structuring practice that involves all links in the waste management, recycling and disposal chain, with partners from the Serra da Canastra region itself, with efforts to properly ensure compliance with the legal framework and to structure the operation of door-to-door selective collection with City Halls. Other actions include the engagement with large generators and the strengthening and professionalization of collectors' cooperatives, seeking to add value to the waste for income generation through a network marketing strategy. 


The social aspect is an inseparable part of solid waste management and, therefore, there is also a concern with increasing the generation of jobs and for women and men in situations of economic and social vulnerability, aligned with the promotion of health and safety at work in the sorting centers, with a productive layout and use of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) 


With the maturing of the relationship with the environmental secretariats, city halls and the Canastra intermunicipal consortium, the Intermunicipal Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PIGIRS) was established, to be developed from 2022 onwards. 


Results and Objectives

• Increase of 67.16% in the income of the 7 cooperatives associated to ASCREPI de Pimenta (from BRL 1,334.00 (Jan/19) to BRL 4,062.90 (2021 average); 
• 28.57% increase in materials recovered by ASREPI de Pimenta 
• Creation of 6 jobs in 2021 at the AVIPI in Piumhi, with an average income of BRL 1,542.86; 
• According to calculations published by IPESA (Socio-environmental Project and Research Institute),  the volume of waste correctly disposed of by the project , since 2018,is equivalent to savings of about 1,700 liters of oil, 10,700 trees, 145 tons of sand thenon-emission of 1.08 million tons of CO2.