Água eu reuso
The main purpose of the “Água eu reuso” project (I Reuse Water, in a free translation) is to reduce water consumption água na when cleaning Unimar´s plant in the city of Santos. The project began in 2017, when the accumulation of rainwater in the roof gutters was first noticed. From that point onward, Unimar commissioned the development of a cistern coupled to the gutter system to capture rainwater.
The final system was installed, consisting of a cistern with a rotating capacity of 200 liters of water, with a self-cleaning filtering system. The system has been working without interruption for the last 5 years, with maintenance servicing and filter changes every six months.
The implementation of the project has been completed and the project will be maintained.
The calculations of the project metrics were made using the Unimar Environmental Management System.
The Environmental Management System and the project itself carry the ISO 14001 external certification

Results and Objectives
The project enabled a decrease of 14.25%/year in water consumption, that unitll the submission of the project iniciativa was equivalent to saving 10 million liters (10 thousand m³) until August/2022.10 mil m³) de água.