Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The project, created in 2015, intends to preserve urban afforestation by identifying, and replacing trees with species that are more suitable for coexistence with the power grid. 

Through this initiative, CPFL and partner City Halls are working together to identify trees that are incompatible with urban equipment (such as power lines, telephone lines, internet cables, water ducts, sidewalks, and public lighting) and that may pose a risk of accidents to the population by electric shock or falling trees. 

These trees are gradually replaced by trees of species suitable for urban afforestation, and the number of seedlings planted is always greater than the number of replaced trees, respecting the legal regulations in force in the municipalities. 

 CPFL pays for the entire process of replacing the tree identified as inadequate and for the logistics required to handle the new seedlings. Planting is carried out by the Municipalities in partnership with CPFL, while the monitoring of seedling development is carried out only by the Municipalities associated with the program through the management of municipal afforestation. 

3 The project is still being executed 

The project carries external certification – ISO 14001 and 9001, with a Bureauveritas audit 

Results and Objectives

In the seven years since the program has been operational, funds have been invested in the processes of replacing trees, hiring suppliers, acquiring and planting seedlings, and in the program's media materials. 

Between its creation in 2015 and December 2021, CPFL has served 87 municipalities through the program. 

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