Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Aterro Sanitário 0

Atlas Schindler


The project aims to eliminate the destination of hazardous waste generated in all Brazilian Branches, Headquarter Offices and factory, to Class I Sanitary Landfills. Currently, our hazardous waste comes from empty chemical packaging, contaminated PPE and uniforms, fluorescent lightbulbs and used lubricating oil. 

A hazardous waste management consulting firm was thus hired, with partnerships with transport companies and final disposal companies throughout Brazil, and with that the storage of hazardous waste in Brazilian branches was standardized through the supply of collectors and containment pallets, through changes in internal procedures, and through the structuring and offering of training programs.  

As a result, the above-mentioned waste was sent to co-processing and incineration companies. 

Document audits were carried out on the companies approved by the consulting firm. 

The implementation of the project has been completed and the project will be maintained. 

Results and Objectives

After the implementation of the project, 100% of the hazardous waste resulting from the operation no longer sent to landfills, every year Totalizando 40 Ton/ano.