Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Zero Landfill

Martin Brower


After identifying waste generation as one of the key environmental aspects of our operations, we started this project to achieve the goal of having the 5 units of Martin Brower Brasil labeled as “Aterro Zero” (Zero Landfill), using the most appropriate destination methods with duly licensed companies. An assessment was made on the main residues generated at the unit and on the companies that were responsible for their final destination.  

As of 2019, partnerships were sought with new suppliers, at a local and national level, in an attempt to obtain more environmentally appropriate destinations, such as Pig farming, Co-processing and Recycling. 

Training programs were offered to the cleaning staff on the correct separation of waste and where each material should be discarded. The internal waste processing routines, particularly thermal insulation and conveyor pads were also revised in order to adapt to the new final destination methods. 

The goal of the project is to have at least 95% of our waste produced in Brazil landfill-free by 2025. 

 The project is still being executed 

The project has external certification – “Lixo Zero” (Zero Waste) Certification 

Results and Objectives

By the end of 2021 

Martin Brower nationally achieved the figure of 90,54% of its total waste with destinations other than landfills, which represents an improvement of 16% compared to 2020. 

The branches in Curitiba, Osasco and Itajaí are now considered Zero Landfill 

The branches in Recife and Jacareí presented a relevant evolution, respectively accounting for 82% and 87% of total waste with final destinations other than landfills. 

Since the start of the Project 1,800 tons of waste were no longer sent to landfills