Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Biomass Boiler



The project, carried out at the Alumina Refinery in a partnership with Combio Energia, sought to replace the natural gas or oil used to heat the boilers with biomass from eucalyptus wood chips sourced from a reforestation area.


This Refinery is one of the first in the world to only use steam generated with this biofuel. In addition to contributing to the reduction of emissions, biomass has a lower cost than fossil fuels.


The boiler started operating in 2020, but 2021 was the first year in which it operated continuously from January to December. CBA's experience with this boiler was selected by the Ministry of the Environment for a presentation on energy transition during COP26, the United Nations climate conference, held in Scotland in November 2021, as one of the good examples of climate change management in the aluminum industry.


The project carries external certification

Results and Objectives

By the end of 2021, the consumption of 165 million m³ of natural gas was avoided, which is equivalent to the emission of 342,000 tons of CO2e, considering the gains since the boiler became operational..