Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

One-for-One Commitment



In 2022, Bracell launched Compromisso Um-Para-Um (One-to-one Commitment, in a free translation), an unprecedented project in the Brazilian pulp sector for the preservation of native vegetation areas. The project will contribute to the conservation of native vegetation areas equal in size to the plantation areas. For every hectare of eucalyptus planted, Bracell is committed to conserving one hectare of native vegetation area.  

The project focuses on States where Bracell operates and covers the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes. The commitment has been adopted on a permanent basis and, should the company increase the areas of eucalyptus plantations (after 2025), the total number of conserved areas will increase proportionally. 

The project shall also support conservation in public areas and the recovery of degraded areas through partnerships with governments and other institutions, in addition to assisting with the prevention and combat of forest fires, deforestation, native timber thefts, and the illegal hunting and capture of wild animals.  

Several partnerships are already being established to achieve the one-to-one goal. Recently, Bracell signed a term of commitment with Fundação Florestal de São Paulo to sponsor protection actions in 66,000 hectares of native forests, including relevant areas of the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado Paulista biomes.  

The company also signed a mutual cooperation agreement with the Bahia State Environment Secretariat to carry out joint actions in order to protect biodiversity in Atlantic Forest Conservation Units (UCs), such as the Subaé Canyons and the Subaúma River basin.  

The company also entered a partnership with Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica and will support actions to promote the restoration of the Atlantic Forest in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) and Legal Reserve areas, contributing to the formation of ecological corridors, connecting remaining fragments and preserving water resources.  

The project is in execution and has been permanently adopted.  

Results and Objectives

By 2025, the company intends to have preserved one hectare of native vegetation for each hectare of eucalyptus planted.

At the end of 2021, the total areas conserved by Bracell equaled 56% of the area of eucalyptus plantations. The percentages in each state amounted to 97% in Bahia, 40% in São Paulo and 24% in Mato Grosso do Sul.

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