Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The “CPFL e RGE nos Hospitais” program has the purpose of increasing the quality of service of public health institutions by presenting projects that promote energy efficiency, social actions and financial fund collections as the three main fronts of action.  

With funds from the Energy Efficiency Program, regulated by ANEEL, the company supports hospitals with multiple efficiency optimization actions to generate savings in terms of energy consumption. On the social front, Instituto CPFL conducts initiatives aimed at humanizing patient care, develops actions to improve infrastructure and supports clinical research in the field of oncology. And, finally, the “Hospitais com + Saúde” initiative provides customers with the opportunity to make donations to hospitals through energy bills. 

 The project is still being executed 

The project carries external certification – ISO 14001 and 9001, with a Bureauveritas audit, com auditoria Bureauveritas 

Results and Objectives

From its creation in 2019 to December 2021, the project has already achieved the following results: 


  • BRL 155 million invested in energy efficiency actions
  • 204 hospitals, located in the states of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, benefited from completed works, in addition to 121 projects in progress
  • 463,000 people benefited from humanization actions and projects to improve hospital infrastructure through Instituto CPFL in 14 hospitals
  • More than 105,000 light bulbs were replaced by more efficient LED models
  • 30 GWh of power saved
  • 3.243  ton. of equivalent CO2 were no longer emitted with efficiency actions in Hospitals between 2019 and June/2022;


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