Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


A partnership between Roche Farma and the eCycle portal to raise awareness and educate the population on the correct way to dispose of expired or leftover drugs through an online platform with the main purpose of providing information and mapping collection points throughout the Brazilian territory, bringing about positive changes and reducing environmental impacts.


When accessing the platform, the user must merely enter their zip code in order to find the drug disposal stations closest to the informed location. The purpose of this action is to support the National Solid Waste Policy, with information being the engine that enables the implementing of the Brazilian reverse logistics process for drugs.

Results and Objectives

In 2021, the number of searches for drug disposal stations was 76,473, which represents a growth of 9.8% compared to 2020. Searches in the Roche environment totaled 32,271 in 2021, compared to 11,188 in 2020, almost 3 times more within 12 months. The volume of searches at the end of 2021 was 8 times higher than the figure observed in 2016.


In 2021, the SOV (Share of Voice) was 15.6% compared to 13.5% in the previous year, which represents an increase of 15.5% and demonstrates the interest of the population in the subject.


The number of stations mapped by eCycle continues to increase: in 2016, there were 611 stations, versus 2,632 in 2021.

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