Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Destination of wood waste to a toy factory

CNH Industrial


Of all the 1600 tons of waste generated by CNH Curitiba each month, wood waste ranks at the top, and its management represents a huge challenge for us, especially due to the volume generated every month. 

Based on the concept of the 5R's, we seek actions that, in addition to promoting environmental improvement, may also provide benefits to society, in order to expand the culture of the environment outside our gates. 

Looking for a new way to dispose of this wood, we found the opportunity to manufacture toys using the waste from our process and give gifts to children who are now part of the institutions supported by CNH. 

Project was concluded 

The project carries external certification - SGA FENIX/LWART sistem 

Results and Objectives

During 4 months of the project, over 200 children received gifts and around 38 tons of wood waste were reused. These are small actions that help us change the world.