Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Digital Forest project seeks to use a digital platform and a smartphone application to encourage and account for community actions to regenerate the environment, such as planting and adopting trees, building nurseries and implementing compost bins.


The platform includes images, geo-location and other data, enabling actions to be identified and consolidated into an interactive map, where users can enter different types of community actions and provide updates on their development.


To ensure the legitimacy of the registered actions, the project has well-defined criteria and allows the monitoring of all actions included on the platform through a complaint mechanism.


Digital Forest was launched globally in July/2022 and seeks to reach 2,000 users in its first year. This is an initiative of the Green Team Brasil volunteer group in partnership with the Brasil Digital e Inclusivo Program, both created by Cisco do Brasil.


The project is still being executed

Project metrics were calculated in partnership with Instituto Socioambiental – ISA and the NGO One Tree Planted.


The project was structured and is managed in accordance with the provisions of the General Personal Data Protection Law - LGPD

Results and Objectives

The main objective of the project is to identify and map out environmental regeneration actions equivalent to 500 thousand trees or 1 thousand hectares by the year 2025. até o ano de 2025.

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