Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Natura& Co


Plenamata is a tool that sheds light on deforestation numbers in real-time, highlighting initiatives aimed at the conservation and regeneration of the Amazon biome and seeking to ensure the veracity of information and to fight fake news.  
Articles and reports are updated on a daily basis and observe strict journalistic standards, committed to portraying the reality in the face of high deforestation rates. The editorial content is produced in partnership with InfoAmazonia and can be replicated by other communication vehicles, as long as the source is mentioned. 

The calculation is based on INPE's daily alerts on deforested areas and multiplied by the scientifically estimated number of trees for each hectare of forest. It is possible to quickly and easily access details such as the daily average, the total deforested, and the evolution of the period. When searching for more information, the user can filter the data and news articles to assess specific results for states and cities 

In 2022, a new feature was created: public engagement, in order to increase the number of people involved in supporting campaigns and/or draft bills to stop deforestation. 
PlenaMata had the support of partners and founders who have been working in the Amazon for more than 20 years, such as MapBiomas, Hacklab, and InfoAmazônia. Currently, the platform is available in Portuguese, English, and Spanish 


Results and Objectives

Contributes to the conservation of 2 million hectares of standing forest. 

PlenaMata is currently in the upscaling phase. All of its features have been released and the current focus is on increasing the engaged user base. We tripled access to the tool in 2022 compared to last year and we want to increase it by 5x by the end of the year. 

More info