Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Prevention of forest fires in Conservation Units 

CPFL Energia


The Project, created in 2020, seeks to minimize the risks and impacts related to forest fires near power grids in Protected Areas and their surroundings, considering not only the damage caused by the interruption of energy supply, but also damages caused by the loss of native vegetation areas.  

The project was then structured into several interrelated actions: 

  1. Mapping of the electrical power grid within or close to Protected Areas;
  2. Assessment of alternatives to minimize risks near Protected Areas, with efforts to modernize or remove networks and intensify preventive maintenance in these areas;
  3. Review of the internal procedure regarding the communication flow and reporting model for forest fires;
  4. Monitoring of fires and alignment of actions with Protected Areas managers;
  5. Communication actions with the population, raising awareness on the need to prevent forest fires;

Reinforcement of communication with managers of protected areas and availability of information for the review of forest fire prevention plans 

Results and Objectives

The project started in 2021 with the first surveys, and is expected to be completed by 2023. 

In carrying out the work, 25 Protected Areas were mapped in the CPFL Paulista concession area. In 11 of these Protected Areas, there are electrical power lines crossing their interior or passing through their limits. 

The actions to modernize or remove the networks started in 2022, with the expected completion of works in six Protected Areas in the same year; the other five areas will be the focus of works in 2023. 

All the actions developed had the assistance of the managers of the Conservation Units, in particular Fundação Florestal, an agency of the Government of the State of São Paulo responsible for the management of several Conservation Units in the State.