Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Biotopo Project

Toyota do Brasil


Among the practices implemented by Toyota, with the goal to foster a society in harmony with nature, is the Biotopo Project, which aims to support environmental research and to create actions to preserve the environment, in partnership with universities, through the mapping and monitoring of environmental indexes.

For the project execution, toyota selected a stream inside its´ Sorocaba plant, for monitoring and the execution of the initiative. This way, through field research, numbers and data related to biodiversity were raised, to ascertain the best actions for the project.


Results and Objectives

7 years after the outset, the stream is currently in an intense resilience process, displaying excellent conditions, with high oxygen rates, transparency, and low solid concentration, which makes the maintenance of aquatic biodiversity, easier.

The effect of th stream reocvery, also has thought that the marginal areas have also benefitted.

The following results were observed

Biodiversity raise 0f 60%
4 new especies of fishes
40% reduction in the rate of total solids in the water
200% raise in aquatic invertebrates
4 MBA Theses
4 Student Grants
