Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente

Projeto Nascentes

Arcelor Mittal


The project aims to develop actions for the recovery of springs in the state of Espírito Santo, using fencing techniques, scientific research, various methods of green cover agroforestry restoration with the use of natural regeneration and environmental education actions for farmers, employing a participatory methodology. The springs in the Santa Maria da Vitória River basin play a fundamental role in water availability and in the maintenance of ecosystems and biomes, and this river is responsible for supplying a large portion of the Greater Vitória Region.  

The project is being developed in the municipality of Santa Leopoldina-ES through a partnership between Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – INCAPER, Fundação de Desenvolvimento e Inovação Agro Socioambiental do Espírito Santo - FUNDAGRES INOVAR, the Public Prosecution Office of the State of Espírito Santo, the Santa Maria da Vitória River Basin Committee and the Santa Leopoldina City Hall, signed through a Technical Cooperation Agreement, beginning in July 2018, extended until June 2024. 

Initially, experimental units were implemented to develop research and evaluate four (4) spring recovery techniques, providing the bases for recommendations and decision making. After the implementation of the experimental areas, fencing actions were carried out, with these techniques being scaled up to other communities in the municipality of Santa Leopoldina-ES. 

For the fencing process, ArcelorMittal Tubarão provided treated eucalyptus stakes and iron stakes, wires and clamps, which were supplied In Kind to the partners, with the farmers then being responsible for installing the fences, with technical support from Incaper and Fundagres Inovar. 

The project is still being executed 

The expected completion date of the project is is june/24 

Results and Objectives

Results achieved in the region of the Santa Maria da Vitória river basin: 

- 37 Springs Protected 

Restoration of 15 hectares of devastated lands 

Expected results for new operating regions, all in the municipality of Santa Leopoldina  

- Fencing of 54 springs located in the town of Mangaraí,  

- Fencing of 23 springs in the Barra do Mangaraí community,  

- Fencing of 52 springs in the Rio do Meio community; 

- Fencing of 76 springs in the Meia Légua community.