Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


3M has defined a set of targets to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations in Brazil. These targets include reducing water use, waste generation and energy consumption. To achieve them, measures have been implemented such as rainwater harvesting; reducing losses in the production process; recycling, co-processing and composting; reducing energy use for lighting; and increasing energy efficiency in production processes.

Results and Objectives

Until August 2023, the results of Brazil's production plants have been: 

1- 31% reduction in water use. The initial target was a 20% reduction by 2025, with 2019 as the baseline;

2- A 42% reduction in waste generated in manufacturing and sent to landfills, allowing materials once considered waste to now be treated as raw materials for partners. The initial target was a 10% reduction by 2025, with 2015 as the baseline;

3- Finally, energy consumption results have already been reduced by 35%, with the implementation of an Energy Efficiency Committee in the factories that seeks to promote projects focused on this purpose. The initial target was a 30% reduction by 2025, with 2015 as the baseline. 


12. Responsible consumption and production

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Water, Waste and Energy: A script for sustainable operations