Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


The Zero Landfill Project focuses on reducing environmental liabilities from waste disposal in industrial landfills. Siemens Healthineers has been working since 2017 to optimize its processes in order to foster circular economy on its sites.


Currently 4 of the 5 bases installed in Brazil can be considered Zero Landfill, because they send more than 97% of their waste to recycling, composting, treatment or reuse technologies. In addition, we highlight the reverse logistics of import packaging, promoting the reuse of these inputs.

Results and Objectives

By 2024, the project's goal is to achieve "Zero Landfill" status in all of the company's sites in Brazil, by finalizing the implementation of the project to adapt the destination of the ice gel packs imported to preserve the temperature of the in vitro line's reagents. Currently, the gel ice packs are sent to landfills and do not have a local supplier with viable treatment technology. The project in progress aims to develop its own equipment to separate the plastic from the gel, thus making it possible to send the gel for effluent treatment and the plastic for recycling.


12. Responsible consumption and production , 9. Industry innovation and infrastructure

External Certification


International Commitments

National Commitments

More info

Zero Landfill