Brasil Pelo Meio Ambiente


Startup BioMovement has developed biodigester technology to provide basic sanitation and proper disposal of organic waste for communities and people in vulnerable situations. The technology contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change.


Biodigesters are systems that convert organic matter into biogas (for domestic use) and natural fertilizer using anaerobic bacteria.

The biodigester is a 100% off-grid system, i.e. it does not require electricity, which makes it possible to install it almost anywhere, requiring only a good amount of sunlight to operate. 

Results and Objectives

In one month, the biodigester produces an amount of biogas equivalent to 2.5 13 kg gas cylinders (domestic gas). The biogas is used as a renewable energy source for domestic use. The natural fertilizer, also a product of biodigestion, helps preserve the soil's properties as it is composed of micro and macro nutrients and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers.


Over the course of a year, a single biodigester produces 2,190 hours of biogas and 3,650 liters of natural liquid biofertilizer, as well as avoiding the emission of 6 tons of greenhouse gases, saving 108,000 liters of water and properly managing 3,650 kg of organic waste.


BioMovement aims to implement 10,000 biodigesters by the year 2040. This will prevent the emission of 60,000 tons of greenhouse gases and allow for the proper management of 36,500 tons of organic waste each year.


2. Zero hunger , 6. Clean water and sanitation , 7. Affordable and clean energy

External Certification

One of the properties where the web series takes place, located in the Cerrado, is part of a REDD project under the Verra standard (Verified Carbon Standard Seal - a standard for certifying reductions in carbon emissions).

National Commitments

National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Forest Deforestation and Degradation (REDD++), ABC Plan, National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), RenovaBio

More info

Biodigesters: Sustainable technology as source of savings