Commitments to Renew Life by 2030 aims to connect, through ecological corridors, half a million hectares of priority conservation areas in the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Amazon biomes. The scope of the commitment considers the areas of native forests and other types of fragmented vegetation that need to be connected and the respective biodiversity corridors between them, both inside and outside the company's areas of operation.
Habitat fragmentation is among the greatest threats to the integrity of biomes and their biodiversity. By 2030, action will be focused on structural connectivity, through restoration and sustainable management actions
Results and Objectives
The three corridors to be implemented are combined about a thousand kilometers long, covering five Brazilian states: Bahia and Espírito Santo (Atlantic Forest Corridor), Maranhão and Pará (Amazon Corridor) and Mato Grosso do Sul (Cerrado Corridor). There will be ecological restoration actions in degraded areas and sustainable forest management in productive areas along the corridors, which were designed to connect important fragments of native vegetation, including Conservation Units.
The expected results include:
1- Connect half a million hectares of priority areas for biodiversity conservation in the Cerrado, Atlantic Forest and Amazon biomes;
2- Implement 100% ecological restoration in Suzano's areas located in the three biodiversity corridors;
3- Enable the implementation of 100% ecological restoration in third-party conservation areas located in the three biodiversity corridors;
4- Manage 100% of the areas in the corridor with Suzano's eucalyptus plantations using biodiverse models;
5- Ensure the environmental regularization (CAR) of 100% of the properties located in the corridor in compliance with specific legislation.
External Certification
National Commitments
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